
Geophysics Explorations  

Geophysics Explorations have several methode,they are

1. electric use electrical geophysics methode are Resistivitas, Induced Polaritation and Self Potensial
2. Magnet use magnet, geophysics methode are gravity and magnet
3. Electromagnetic Geophysics Methode are MT,VLF and CSAMT
4. Seismic Geophysics Methode are Seismic Refraction and Seismic Reflaction

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Porosity and permeability of Rock  

1. Porosity ( %) is ( volume of void/ total volume of rock ) x 100
origin of porosity is :
a. Primary porosity = space beween individual mineral grains or crhystalls ; present when rock formed
a.1 intergranular porosity
b Secondary porosity = created after rock formed by frackturing dissolution.

a. intercrystalin
b. Solution
c. Fracture

2. Permeabilty Rock
a. Measure of how easily fluid can move through rock
b. depends only on rock properties " intrinsic permeability "
c. in oil industry, permeability is measured in darcies or milidarcies

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How make favicon ( Favourite icon )  

How make favicon ( Favourite icon )

you can use ( browse ) :

1. Browse your picture to your logo website
2. klik " Generate Favicon ico
3. wait a moment and download favicon
4. Put Favicon to your websitel and enjoy it

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How to make background desktop on flash disk !!!  

1. Insert your flash disk to a computare
2. At your flash disk, view a file as name " desktop "
3. Open That's file, you will see :


IconArea_Image=baru pict\V Xion.jpg

4. If you want to performance your flash disk desktop, you make a folder as name : andygeoits, and take your picture on that's folder, example your name foto
andy with format jpg.
5. in " IconArea_Image ", on a note above you can change with "IconArea_Image=andygeoits\andy.jpg
6. Now , save your desktop file, and refresh your desktop, Now your picture will view at your flash disk desktop.
7. Enjoy it.

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The Rock of the earth - their composition and classification  

" Rock are natural mineral assemblages crystallized by rock forming processes. Rocks from the earth crust and mantle " ( Huckenholz,1982 ) We distinguish rock according to the origin ( genesis ) and composition between 1. Igneous rock magmatites, magmatic rock, eruptive rocks, eruptiva ) are mineral assemblages, originating from a melt ( magma ) by cristallization. Three types are distinguished by their natural occurrence: a. volcanic rock ( reaching the surface) b. plutonic rock (crystallization ar greater depth ) and c. dike rock ( small dikes and sills separating large rock masses 2. Sedimentary rock Sedimentary rock ( sediment ) are resulth of weathering and sedimentation processes : igneous, metamorphic and also previously depositd sediment rocks are broken down physically and chemically. two main type opf sedimentary rock a. the elastic or fragmental sediment ( sandstones, shales) and b. the chemical and biochemical sediments ( carbonates, evaporates ) 3.Metamorphic rock metamorpithes, metamorpihica, schists are resulth of methamorphism. Metamorphic transformations are caused by change in temprature and pressure. temprature and pressure can changes withiun the earth's crust are caused by different type of processes, such as : a. regional metamorphism b. contact or thermal metamorphism c. dislocation or clastlatic metamorphism.

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friendster and bergaul  

wow...friendster..., I like..., at friendster I can write my idea, I note, my diary.. and so on.., I can Setting my style, Performance a profile., I can use CSS and HTML , If I borring with a performance I can change with other style,,, interested ? you can log in :,, and a instruction can help you if you meet a difficulty... I like it. Now, in indonesia have a, it's sam a friendster but friendster is familiar a sociaty, at we can intruduction our self to other person, We can chat, forum, and have friends. intersted ? please , visit :

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What is blogger ?  

What is a blogger?

A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world.

Your blog is whatever you want it to be. There are millions of them, in all shapes and sizes, and there are no real rules.

In simple terms, a blog is a web site, where you write stuff on an ongoing basis. New stuff shows up at the top, so your visitors can read what's new. Then they comment on it or link to it or email you. Or not.

Since Blogger was launched in 1999, blogs have reshaped the web, impacted politics, shaken up journalism, and enabled millions of people to have a voice and connect with others.

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Chat with Comment Prompt  

If you want a private chat with a friend or client on you Network, you don't need to download any fancy program!
All you need is your friends IP address and Command Prompt.

Firstly, open Notepad and enter:

@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A

Now save this as "Messenger.bat". Open the .bat file and in Command Prompt you should see:


After "User" type the IP address of the computer you want to contact.
After this, you should see this:


Now type in the message you wish to send.
Before you press "Enter" it should look like this:

Message: Hi

Now all you need to do is press "Enter", and start chatting!

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Intervew Tips  

We know many people struggle with interviews though they are the most experienced and best qualified for the job.

When you are invited to an interview it means that the hiring manager believes you may be a good match for the job opening, and he or she wants to know for sure. The interview is used to determine whether you are qualified for the position. Also one important thing as the job seeker is, you should make use of the interview to determine whether you can be successful in the available position.

A candidate who can answer questions in a way which is acceptable, but not necessarily right, to the interviewer, someone who knows something about their potential employers business and the post they hope to fill. These are really the basic components of any candidate who 'interviews well'. There are undoubtedly other aspects employers may look for in relation to specific posts - having their own ideas, thinking on their feet, aspects which will be related to the job and to the company's preference in employees.

Job interview tips gives you information about how to face the interview.
The job interview tips covered most job interview tips and also covered lots of things which we have to avoid during interview.

Now a day, employers use telephone interviews as a way of identifying and recruiting candidates for employment. This site provides phone interview tips, which contains the information about how to face the telephonic interview. You never know when a recruiter call and ask if you have a few minutes to talk.

After the first interview next step is second interview. When employers complete their initial interviews for a job opening, they ask the top candidates back for a second interview before making a final decision. This site provides the information about second interview tips.

This site provides you various types of interview tips like job interview tips, phone interview tips, employer interview tips as well as interview tips for teacher etc.

Here are our favourite interview resources, which we can tell you that are really really worth looking at:

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I prefer train to bus  

Have a holiday.. it's wonderful...I will go to djogjakarta..djogjakarta is beautiful small town in indonesia. go to djogjakarta..may be it's a good idea.. but. to a traveling a prefer traveling with train to a bus, traveling with train is interesed, I don't borring.,, I can walk a long of train..., if I hungry, I can buy a fried rice in train, a waitress can carry me a rice field, it's cheap... I prefer train to you interseted ? please try traveling with train...!!

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Editing Joomla  

hi...I'm camback to post my blog...,.I will talk about editing and use new template joomla, Sometimes at joomla, if we install joomla, it's can't add a template at other computare,not at server.,.Now, there are a solutions, we copy template to template a database joomla we install at server, We should edit at computare server. extract file template to template at server ( joomla database ), than log in to administrator your joomla, now see a template your joomla and choose a template you copy at server joomla database....have fun...!! your template is active.

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Internet With IM3  

hi.... If you in indonesia, or indonesian maybe you know about IM3, one of card cellular from provider indosat in indonesia, now IM3 can use to internet by GPRS use 3G with cost Rp.100/minutes, it's cheap, to sett :

  1. active your card
  2. Connecting your phone to laptop/Personal Computer
  3. If your phone is Nokia you can use Nokia PC Suite
  4. PC Suit at Nokia have a fasility conect to internet
  5. Use Acces Point : Indosatgprs without space
  6. User :indosatgprs@durasi
  7. Password : Indosatgprs@durasi
  8. Now, you can enjoy it, with Rp.100/minutes

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Wi-Fi Zone oh...No...!!! it's good for me  

Sepuluh Nopember Institut Technology, it's my campus, I collage there, My Major is geophysics..,;s start about one years ago.. my campus integrated Wi-Fi,, I am glad... it's gave me a solutions to low cost for my many every month. I have a laptop acer. with processor 1.6 Ghz intel celeron, 40 Gb and 714 Mb memory, I wil surfing this other world in internet,.. I can a daily at campus to internet.. I am very happy...i like that..thanks for my Campus.. now it's not only at my campus Now in surabaya...ex mall or public fasility integreted wifi, ex delta plaza, Pakuwon, Tunjungan and many more... I very like it.

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Internet, I Like you...!!!  

Somebody ask me, how could I know many things like physics, mathematics, geosciences, web design, and web development, learn PHP,HTML, Java Script, looking for a journal, task of my collage? I have a simple answer. Google It! Thanks to internet! Internet gives everything that I want. Internet provides unlimited information and knowledge for all of us.

I have a quick trick. If you have any problems or questions, please don’t ask everyone before you get more information and answer from internet. Open a search engine like Google (my favorite), submit some keywords based on your questions, and Google will answer your questions only in seconds. If you could not find complete answers for your questions, it is a good time to get answers from an expert.

To this time, I prefer borwser with mozilla firefox to other browser, it's browser I can take a bandwith with a several setting a file of mozilla, it's complite to me. thanks for mozilla.

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Joomla and auraCMS  

Conten Management Sistem (CMS) are one of utility can help us to make and buliding a website or site, we have web, we have a good for help our job, with website we promotion our product,example we can give a cheap charge, we can introducing our self to customer and many more., a website always us a adventages, now CMS are a good for buld website, joomla and auraCMS one of them. with Joomla and Aura CMS we can editing, thet element example guest book, forum, visit counter, themes, menu, clock, contact us and many more, So.. we enjoy buld a website with joomla or Auracms,, for joomla download : , and auraCMS download at

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Mobile Phone and Software  

If you need a software or game, applications,themes,musics,video,wallpaper you can visit : , at that site you can download you need for your mobile phone, you can join forum at that site, can your phone is interested. enjoy and visit it.

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Let's make a blog  

blog is my inspirations, I can write my diary in blog, sometimes I can talk about my daily, while I sad, happy, and soon, blog is my hobby, If you are not the best you're the first, that give a motivation to make a idea - idea can give me a inspirations, I like technology, work by computare is one of way to make my life is happy, therefore let's blogging, walking a blogger community, you can have more friends, friends can change knowladges with you, a technologi, social, culture, and so on, in my blog you can looking for what you need, you can read my note.,, thanks for your visit at my blog.
you can use blog with blogger, visit and join, in blogger you can edit your blog with html , you can change your themes with edit html...enjoy it...!!!!

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